I stand humbled and honored that I have been afforded the opportunity and privilege of serving as your new principal. I look forward to partnering with families to ensure all Cartwright students learn and grow every day and move as far along their educational paths as possible. We are proud of our staff and students and credit our students’ achievement to all stakeholders, including you, our families. It is through the positive relationships we forge and a shared vision that success is possible. At Cartwright, student achievement remains my first priority as we work to afford all students the opportunity for success daily as they become confident, self-directed, independent learners who possess a thirst for knowledge, problem-solving skills, and develop the ability to compete, connect, and cooperate in our global knowledge economy of the 21st century.
As your principal, another primary responsibility is to ensure a safe, respectful learning environment so our students are available to learn. We expect all students to treat everyone with dignity and respect while at Cartwright. The staff is committed to modeling, teaching, and reinforcing good character traits in our students to bring this vision to fruition. Additionally, our goal is to develop a growth mindset and self-efficacy in our students. We want students to understand, as Carol Dweck’s research has shown, that “smartness” is not something we are born with rather we develop our knowledge, skills, and abilities through dedication, hard work and effort over time. We become “smart” when we put time and effort into our learning. This view creates the love of learning that will lead to great accomplishments throughout students’ lives which is a vision I believe we share.